Welcome to Buxton Primary School
I am delighted to welcome you to Buxton Primary School. Here you will find information about our inclusive village school along with class pages to give you an idea of life at Buxton.
One aim of our website is to give you an idea of the wonderful range of activities and type of experience children have at our school. I am extremely proud to be working alongside such a dedicated team of staff who ensure our inquisitive children have experiences that build their love of learning every day.

As a village school, we are part of a close knit community where our staff, governors, parents, carers, children and friends in our local area work hard to ensure our children have an exceptional education. An important part of ensuring we continue to grow and develop is to be an innovative and forward-thinking school and we are committed to ‘Achieving Excellence Together.’
Mrs Jules Stops, Headteacher
If you are here to gain an understanding of what it is like to be a learner at Buxton Primary School, please take a moment to read the document below and then explore the rest of our website. Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us using the information further down this page. Thank you.
Get in touch!
For administrative enquiries, wrap around care, educational visits, bus operation, etc. please contact:
Emma Spence School Secretary admin@buxton.norfolk.sch.uk
Should you have any business enquiries about the school, finance, operational, HR, please contact:
Kelly Hall – School Business Manager office@buxton.norfolk.sch.uk
Other key contacts are as follows:
Jules Stops – Headteacher head@buxton.norfolk.sch.uk
Jo Buchanan – SENDCo (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Coordinator) sendco@buxton.norfolk.sch.uk
Kathryn Corder – Chair of Governors chairofgov@buxton.norfolk.sch.uk