Growth Mindset and Core Values
At Buxton, we have developed our own Growth Mindset approach with our very own developed characters, these, along with our core values, ‘ARCHER’, form the basis of our reward and sanction system.
Growth Mindset
We use our growth mindset characters every day to encourage children to develop the skills needed for positive well-being. When children show the skills, they receive stickers and a certificate is awarded to a child in each class each week who have shown good progress in one of the growth mindset areas. We also report on children’s growth mindset at parent/carer evenings and in school reports and information bulletins.
Our characters are as follows:

Malala Motivator

Percy Perseverance

Resilient Roy

Granny Grit
Each of our characters has a story to tell which shows their growth mindset skill. One such story, is Granny Grit’s story, and it goes something like this…
Buxton Core Values: ARCHER
We developed our Core Values to align with our whole school behaviour system. This means we award positive behaviours with particular values so that children are aware of what constitutes a positive behaviour or how to change behaviours to make them more positive. Our core values spell ‘Archer’ and are as follows:
Acceptance: To show understanding and patience
Respect: To be kind and fair to all
Consideration: To think of others and work well as a team
Honesty: To be truthful and trustworthy
Excellence: To aim high in everything you do
Responsibility: Taking ownership for your actions
Our core values also link with:
Vision Statement – Our vision statement is at the heart of our core values and summarises our approach to school life at Buxton Primary School
SMSC & PSHE – children’s personal development will be impacted by our Core Values and can be referred to in these curriculum areas as and as part of day-to-day life at school
Behaviour Policy – when moving children up the chart, we use the core values as a discussion point e.g. ‘You showed excellent respect by doing this.’ Or if children have not made the right decisions, we can use this to support them in making better ones, ‘You did not show respect, how can we change this to show respect next time?’
British Values – the Core Values link directly to the BVs and are inspired by them
Growth Mind-set – our growth mind-set approach to learning and challenge run along side our core values
National Curriculum Learning – Day-to-day classroom learning in all lessons will allow for opportunities to reference our Core Values
For more information about our behaviour system, please see our behaviour policy under the ‘Policies’ section.