

INSET DAYS for this year are as follows:

Monday 2nd September 2024
Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Monday 6th January 2025

Tuesday 22nd April 2025

First day of Autumn Term:Wednesday 4th September 2024
October half term:Friday 25th October 2024 to Friday 1st November 2024
Last day of Autumn Term:Friday 20th December 2024
First day of Spring Term:Tuesday 7th January 2025
February half term:Monday 17th February 2025 to Friday 21st February 2025
Last day of Spring Term:Friday 4th April 2025
First day of Summer Term:Wednesday 23rd April 2025
Bank Holiday:Monday 5th May 2025
May half term:Monday 26th May 2025 to Friday 30th May 2025
Last day of Summer Term:Tuesday 22nd July 2025


INSET DAYS for this year are as follows:

Monday 1st September 2025
Tuesday 2nd September 2025

Monday 5th January 2026

Monday 13th April 2026

First day of Autumn Term:Wednesday 3rd September 2025
October half term:Monday 27th October 2025 to Friday 31st October 2025
Last day of Autumn Term:Friday 19th December 2025
First day of Spring Term:Tuesday 6th January 2026
February half term:Monday 16th February 2026 to Friday 20th February 2026
Last day of Spring Term:Friday 27th March 2026
First day of Summer Term:Tuesday 14th April 2026
Bank Holiday:Monday 4th May 2026
May half term:Monday 25th May 2026 to Friday 29th May 2026
Last day of Summer Term:Friday 17th July 2026

Gates open8:20am
Gates close8:30am
End of school day3:00pm

Government requirements on the minimum expectation on length of the school week have been reviewed and as at September 2023 are required to be at least 32.5 hours per week.

At Buxton, these hours are split across the week as follows:

5 days at 6.5 hours each day = 32.5 hours

After School Clubs

We run various after schools clubs which are all run in-house by our school staff. These sessions aim to provide opportunities for our children to learn new skills and build their confidence. We run shorter sessions of one hour 3-4pm Monday through Thursday. We run longer sessions 3-5:15pm twice a week, currently on a Monday and Wednesday.

We only charge our running costs in order to keep costs to parents / carers to a minimum. Therefore, 1hr sessions are £4.00 per child per session, 2hr 15 min sessions are £7.00 per child per session.

Please see the clubs timetable below:

Breakfast Club

We also run a daily breakfast club. This starts at 7:30am and your children will go straight to class after club finishes. Breakfast is served 7:30am until 8am and there are various activities and games the children play during this session. Again, our breakfast club is run by our school staff who are familiar to the children.

We have a breakfast club register, if you would like your child to come along, please let us know and we can add them to the list. Ideally, you’ll let us know in advance, however, should you need to cancel or add extra days at the last minute, this is fine – we know how busy life can be!

Breakfast club costs £4.50 per child per session.

Buxton Primary School serves a wide catchment area and there is a bus available for those who live at Badersfield. Should you require this service, please click the link below to apply for a bus pass for your child. Please note, this school bus is run by the School Transport Service provided by Norfolk County Council. They employ a bus company to provide the service to you.

Home to school transport – Norfolk County Council

As a school, we do not have control over this service in any way. We are not required to provide any adult support on the school bus, or whilst children wait for the bus in the morning, and the children on the bus are under the care of the bus company. Prior to getting on the bus, the children are under the care of parents / carers.

At present, the school employs a member of staff to travel with the bus most days, but this is at the discretion of the school. We ensure that your child is escorted from the bus to the school building in the mornings and that they are safely on board the bus for the return journey at the end of the school day.

If you use the bus, it is imperative that the office have clear instructions in advance of when your child will be using the bus to ensure our bus registers are always accurate and your children are managed safely. Please contact our school secretary on or on the school telephone number to inform us weekly of your child’s use of the bus. Thank you.


ParentPay is an online payment system that allows you to make payments to us without your child bringing cash into school.

ParentPay can be used to pay for school meals, trips, shows, non-uniform days, snacks etc.

You can top up your payments online via debit or credit card.

All parents have been contacted with the unique online link code that is required to set up an account. If you have not received your online link code, or if you have any difficulties using the service please contact the School Office.

Please follow this link to Parent Pay:


Pupil Premium

The pupil premium grant is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England. It’s a school-level grant that gives schools extra resources to help them meet challenges, including those arising from deprivation.

It’s allocated for schools to:

  • improve the academic outcomes of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities
  • close the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers across the country

Here is a link to the latest Pupil Premium guidance by the Department for Education:

Sports Premium

The primary PE and sport premium was introduced in March 2013 to improve the provision of physical education and school sport in primary schools across England. The £150 million per year funding is provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health, and Culture, Media and Sport (DfE, DH, DCMS). The funding is allocated directly to primary schools and is ring-fenced. This means it may only be spent on improving the provision of PE and sport in schools. Further information can be found here:

Financial Benchmarking

As a school, we follow infection control guidance provided by Norfolk County Council. We also follow the current NHS guidance on Covid-19. Current NHS guidelines are found here: COVID-19 symptoms and what to do – NHS (

We ensure that measures are taken to keep children and adults safe from infectious diseases as far as possible. Should we have more than one confirmed case of infectious disease in a class, we will take extra precautions to prevent the spread. Should numbers increase, we will inform parents/carers and continue to increase hygiene procedures.

For details of admissions, please see our policy below.

Our catchment area is detailed below.

If you would like to see if your home address is within our catchment, please enter your post code on the following link:

Norfolk School Catchments

Should you live outside of catchment, but wish your child to come to Buxton Primary, please contact our school on or using the school telephone number.


Every effort is made to make a place available for your child in our school. However, schools have a limit on the number of children they can take. In the case of this school the number is 30 on entry to Reception. This figure is set by the Local Authority (LA) and agreed with Governors. If the number of children wanting a place is below the set figure, your child will be offered a place. There may, however, come a point when there are too many children of that year group for them all to be given a place. If a place is not available on application, you have the right to appeal to the Local Authority. Appeals are heard by an independent panel. The Appeals timetable along with 

A Guide to Admission Appeals can be obtained from the Admissions Team at County Hall.

Our behaviour policy sets out our expectations of behaviour in our school (see policies section). We always guide and support our children in learning how to follow rules in a way that takes into consideration our growth mindset ethos. We treat children individually and with respect no matter their background, needs or differences. All children are very much individuals with individual needs. At Buxton, we are an inclusive school and therefore, always support children in a way that ensures they have the best opportunities to learn how to be a good citizen.

Sometimes, despite a high level of support provided, children make mistakes. As we all do. On occasion, a child’s behaviour can lead to an exclusion.

Exclusion Arrangements

The headteacher can exclude your child if they misbehave in or outside school.

What happens if/when your child is excluded?

We will let you know about an exclusion as soon as possible. We will follow up with a letter telling you how long your child is excluded for and why.

You will also be told how to challenge the exclusion, if you want to.

Exclusions can start on the same day, if you are unable to collect your child straight away, you can speak to the school about arrangements.

Risk of prosecution if child is found in public place

For the first 5 school days of an exclusion, it is your responsibility to make sure your child is not in a public place during normal school hours unless there is a good reason.

You might be prosecuted if your child is found in a public place when they’re not supposed to be.

Child Law Advice has more information on what happens when a child is excluded.

Types of exclusion

There are two kinds of exclusion – fixed period (suspended) and permanent (expelled).

Fixed period exclusion

A fixed period exclusion is where your child is temporarily removed from school. They can only be removed for up to 45 school days in one school year, even if they have changed school.

If a child has been excluded for a fixed period, schools should set and mark work for the first 5 school days.

If the exclusion is longer than 5 school days, the school must arrange suitable full-time education from the sixth school day, e.g. at a pupil referral unit.

Permanent exclusion

Permanent exclusion means your child is expelled. Your local council must arrange full-time education from the sixth school day.

Alternative education and exclusion

The school or local council must tell you about any alternative education they arrange. It is your responsibility to make sure your child attends.

Making a complaint

If alternative education is not arranged within 5 days, or you are not happy with the education, you can complain to:

  • the school, for fixed period exclusions
  • the local council, for permanent exclusions

If you are not happy with the response, you can complain to the Department for Education (DfE).

You will need to show that you followed the school or council’s complaints procedure.

Challenging exclusion

You will get a letter from the school telling you what to do if you disagree with the exclusion.

You can ask the school’s governing body to overturn the exclusion if either:

  • your child has been excluded for more than 5 days
  • the exclusion means they’ll miss a public exam or national curriculum test
  • If the exclusion is for 5 days or fewer, you can still ask the governors to hear your views but they cannot overturn the head teacher’s decision.

Challenging permanent exclusion

You will be invited to a review meeting with the school’s governors if your child has been permanently excluded.

This will happen within 15 school days.

If the governors do not overturn the exclusion, you can ask for an independent review by your local council (or academy trust if the school’s an academy). The governors must tell you how to do this.

If your child is still excluded you can ask the Local Government Ombudsman to look at whether your case was handled properly. They cannot overturn the exclusion.

Discrimination and other complaints

You can make a claim to a court or a tribunal if you think your child has been discriminated against. You need to do this within 6 months of the exclusion.

Contact the Equality Advisory Support Service for help and advice. For more general complaints (e.g. if you do not want to challenge the exclusion but you are not happy with the way the school handled it), follow the normal school complaints process.

Access to School Premises

Schools are private property. People do not have an automatic right to enter. Parents have an ‘implied licence’ to come on to our school premises at certain times, these are:

  • for pre-arranged appointments
  • to attend a school event where the parent has been invited
  • to drop off or pick up children

Anyone who breaks these rules would be trespassing and could be barred from school site.

Trespassing is a civil offence. This means the school can ask someone to leave and take civil action in the courts if someone trespasses regularly.

Schools can bar someone from the premises if they feel that their aggressive, abusive or insulting behaviour or language is a risk to staff or pupils. It’s enough for a member of staff or a pupil to feel threatened.

Section 547 of the Education Act 1996 makes it a criminal offence for a person who is on school premises without legal permission to cause or permit a nuisance or disturbance.

Further information can be found here: Controlling access to school premises – GOV.UK

Zero Tolerance Zone

Inappropriate language, threats or acts of aggression towards staff will not be tolerated at any time. Anyone behaving in such a way will be asked to leave and their behaviour may be reported to the police.